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English Literature Crossword

What do the three men in The Pardoner's Tale find under the tree?
Who is the author of the Canterbury Tales?
In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, who is king during this era?
Gawain has one year and a day to find the Green Knight at the ______ _______.
In The Miller's Tale, how many men are trying to win Allison's love/attention?
Which tale provides ideas that believe women desire sovereignty over their husbands?
What language was Utopia originally written in?
True or False: Gawain is chosen by The Green Knight to complete his request.
The three men in The Pardoner's Tale are on the hunt for what?
True or False: One societal goal in Utopia is to have lack of private ownership.
How many times does the Green Knight strike Gawain on the neck before finally leaving a small cut?
Who is the author and also a voyager in Utopia?
In the Wife of Bath, what is the knights sentence due to his crime?
What season is described in the Tale General Prologue of Canterbury Tales?
The ______ _______ protects Gawain of the strike from the Green Knight.
In Sir Gawain and The Green Knight, the Green Knight approaches the court holding an axe in one hand, and what else in his other hand?
Gawain cuts off The Green Knight's _____ with an axe in front of the court.
Who is the man that is known for his world travels, and landed in Utopia after many voyages?
If you are convicted of committing a horrible crime in Utopia, what is the punishment?
Each city in Utopia is divided into how many different parts?