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Early Republic Crossword

French speaking territory in Canada.
Leader of confederation of over 24 tribes that rebelled against the Untied States during the War of 1812
What a law is called when it is passed by Congress but before the President signs it.
Political Party of Hamilton and Adams
Who the US declared war on in 1812
________ Powers. When the Constitution does not give the government these powers but hints that it could be there.
Jefferson's Vice President. Also is the man who shot Hamilton.
Land bought by Jefferson to double the size of the US
The first capital of the US. Hint: It is where the Constitution was created
The part of Congress that has equal representation
The emperor of France from 1804-1815
The country that controlled Florida and Mexico during the early 1800s
Revolutionary War General and 1st President of the United States
Secretary of the Treasury who came up with the idea of using Bonds to pay off the National Debt
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and hated cousin of Jefferson.
Author of the Declaration of Independence
First ten amendments to the US Constitution
When Judicial Review determines a law does not follow the Constitution
Where US troops invaded during the War of 1812
Slang term for the British Military.
First US Constitution. Articles of ________________.
What French officials were demanding from the US during the XYZ Affair.
Law making it illegal to criticize the government
________ Constructionist. When people believe the government only has the powers that are specifically given to it in the Constitution.
The country which the US bought Louisiana from
One of the only Native American groups to fight with the US during the War of 1812
Political Party of Jefferson
Law allowing the President to deport non citizens
Court case Marbury v __________. Father of the Constitution and the 4th President.
The second President of the United States