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Genetics, Reproduction and Heredity

Teacher: Jackie Jones
Females produce _____________ cells. 208
Mendel studied ______________ different characteristics of pea plants. 216
Humans have 23 _____________ of chromosomes. 218
The new organism produced by reproduction is called the _________________. 206
In a ________________ cell, the DNA is found in the nucleus. 185
An advantage to asexual reproduction is that it happens _______________. 210
The genetic material in cells is called ____________________________ acid. 185
A type of cell division that produces identical cells. 207
Mendel experimented on ___________ plants. 216
The passing of genetic material from parent to offspring is called ______________. 216
An organism that reproduces by budding. 207
Before cell division, DNA is duplicated, or ______________. 185
Conducted the first major experiments investigating heredity. 216
______________ are segments of DNA found in chromosomes. 218
During binary _______________, the parent splits in two. 207
Males produce _____________ cells. 208
________________ reproduction is when one organism produces one or more organisms identical to the parent. 206
An organism that has one dominant and one recessive allele (Hh) is said to be ____________________________. 218
An organism with two dominant or two recessive alleles (HH or hh) is said to be ___________________________. 218
Cell ______________ happens in all organisms. 184
A sperm and an egg cell joins together in a process called _______________________. 208
_________________ reproduction is when offspring have a combination of traits from each parent. 208
The different versions of a gene are called ______________. 218
One characteristic of all living things is that you ______________. 184