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This active immunity occurs dues to the body creating antibodies in response to being exposed to a weakened or inactivated form of an organism
This type of immunity occurs when a person is exposed to the disease organism and makes their own antibodies.
This vaccine is a live attenuated vaccine that cannot be given to pregnant women.
This is often given to at risk babies (NICU grads) to keep them from contracting RSV
Caused by paramyxovirus, there is a vaccine given for this condition starting at age 12 months.
Many studies have concluded there is no link to administering vaccines to children and the likelihood that they will develop this problem.
This vaccine is given in 4 doses (2,4,6,&18 mos.) It protects children against a virus that can lead to paralysis.
Occurs when a person develops immunity in response to having had a disease.
This immunization cannot be given until age 6 months. It is recommended that children receive this vaccine every year.
This disease is transmitted the fecal oral route via contaminated food. There is a vaccine for this illness
This is the vaccine that protects children from chicken pox
Immunity that is transferred from one person to another. Such as across the placenta
This vaccine is usually administered in the newborn nursery and then again at 1-2 months of age.
Menactra is one of the trade names for this vaccine first given at age 11-12.
This vaccine is given in two doses to protect teens from contracting the human papillomavirus
An example of this type of immunity is when a person is given IVIG to provide immediate protection against a disease.
This vaccine protects children against meningitis, otitis media, and other infections
The rotavirus vaccine is given this route
DTaP protects children from tetanus, diptheria and _______.
Immunization that protects children from severe diarrhea and dehydration virus.