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Surgical Site Infections Crossword

a toxin-producing bacterium which can infect the bowel, causing illness with diarrhea and fever, especially in people who have been treated with antibiotics. Difficult to kill with normal disinfectants. (this is the full term).
If there is any concern of splashing of blood, body fluids, chemicals, etc. Staff should wear ______________.
Minimum dry time for alcohol based preps.
C-difficile is killed with this product.
Due to all the contaminants that are aerosolized into the air during surgery, as well as, just the general contamination factor of the surgical department, _____ should never be found or taken into the semi-restricted or restricted areas.
Chemical used to clean the OR Floors
Two words to describe the process of assessing and assigning the contamination level of a surgical site/wound. There are 4 levels.
This is done between each surgical case to clean and prevent cross-contamination for the next patient. Requires a team to help complete this.
This is done at the end of the day to each OR room used, to prepare it for the next day. EVS/Housekeeping completes this portion/act for our department.
Tucking in the scrub top into the scrub pants, is suppose to help contain and prevent this from happening. This is something your skin does.
The words used to describe the appropriate clothing to be worn in surgical services semi-restricted and restricted areas.
When done using the santi-wipe containers for cleaning, the lid to the wipes should be ____________.
Staphylococci becomes firmly attached to this surface/part of the body. Even bathing with conventional soaps/shampoos has little effect on removing it. This makes it all the more important to make sure ALL of this is covered in the surgical area.
Powered Air Purifying Respirator
This should be worn by staff not scrubbed in. All efforts should be used to wear this during the skin prep as well.
If removing hair prior to prepping, the hair should be _________, not shaved.
These precautions require the use of bleach to clean. Brown bar is seen on the signs for these precautions.
All _________ should be covered or removed in the surgical environment....these items have been shown to carry additional bacteria that can be transfered to the patient.
_________ scrubs should be worn daily, which include shoe covers.
These precautions include airborne, contact, contact enteric, and droplet precautions. Used in addition to standard precautions, when needed.
The number of contact precaution carts we have in the department.
Main staple of standard precautions. Should always be done prior to starting shift, as well as, several times throughout shift.
These are used when contact precautions are necessary. They are found on both contact precaution carts. Think color.
Storage location of the contact and airborne precaution carts
These help to clean the surgical incision site prior to surgery. Several options...some contain alcohol, others scrubs and paints, some iodine.
These two words describe the pathways that should be followed for clean to dirty practices, which include supplies, instrumentation, staff flow. Correct flow/path of case carts from SPD to OR to Decontam is a great example of the proper method of this. Also, air flow and currents are considered.
These precautions are used for TB, HPV/Condyloma, open, oozing, wet chicken pox, shingles, etc.
________ should be worn for any activity where staff could be exposed to blood, body fluids, or other contaminants or chemicals.
If/when we have a patient with TB come for surgery - this is the minimum length of time (in minutes) that the room should be allowed to sit and rest before turnover cleaning begins.
This protocol is utilized currently by the Colo-Rectal physicians, where the interventions have shown to have positive impact on decreasing SSIs. One portion of this protocol includes keeping the room temperature at 68-72 degrees minimum.