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Shinto 101

Usually a university student
Dimension of greatest importance for Shinto
Officiates at a Shinto funeral
Rituals involving __ does not include prayers, but rather asking for the fulfillment of wishes.
Along with Buddhism, a religion imported to Japan from China
Main sanctuary of a Shinto shrine
Their primary responsibility is to run shrines and conduct rituals
This component of the Shinto worldview is based on following the will of the kami.
Shinto ethics are given to promote harmony and ___.
These are summoned by clapping one's hands twice, saying a silent prayer, and bowing twice
Spirits, humans, natural phenomena, "gods"
Japanese emperor traces his lineage back to this Kami.
Shinto means the way of the ___.
A god-shelf
A Buddhist house of worship
Shinto does not have one, as well as it has no sacred scriptures or central authority
This shrine is re-built every 20 years
A Shinto house of worship