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Endocrine System Crossword

Also known as antidiuretic hormone, secreted by post. pituitary to go to kidneys to stimulate water absorption
Released from posterior pituitary to help with uterus/breast contractions
Neurons have direct contacts with cells to secrete hormones
Releasing hormone of thyroid stimulating hormone
Stimulates thyroid to release thyroid hormone, T3,T4, and calcitonin
Affects most of the body and helps with growth of most tissue/bone
Growth hormone releasing hormone releases GH from the ant. pituitary
Releasing hormone of ACTH sent to ant. pituitary
Acts on mammary glands to produce milk
Vascularized and has hypophyseal portal system for neurons to tell cells to secrete stimulating hormones
Hormone acting on adrenal cortex to release cortisol
Follicle/luteinizing hormones act on testes or ovaries. FSH-maturates, while LH-stimulates sex hormone production
Prolactin releasing hormone releases PRL from the ant. pituitary
Gonadotropin releasing hormone is the releasing hormone of GnH through the ant. pituitary