The style used for writing research papers in the business field
Cause for a civil lawsuit
Royal Tambourine Association (abbrev).
Layer, as in paper products
A bad thing in your environment
High card or low card depending on the game
measured by hours and minutes
___ diversification - a company buys another company that is different from it, but somewhat similar, such as when a restaurant buys a company that sells kitchen gadgets
A product with high market share and high growth
A measure of intelligence - but certainly not the only one!
___ leadership - sell products cheaper than anyone else
Joy; there was a TV show by this name
Something that is even all the way across is said to be this; a tool that helps you hang shelves correctly
Higher part for a man to sing, Pavarotti was one
Put your eyes in that direction
Sell products that are unlike anyone else's
Elmer Algonquin's monogram
A particular type of situational analysis
Power that gets aircraft through the air
___ advantage - when you have one of these, you will outperform others in your industry
Esther Nadine Ursinus' monogram
Sound that comes back at you, sometimes repeatedly
Association of Elephants (abbrev)
___ integration - when you buy another company that does the same type of thing you do, like a restaurant buying another restaurant
A common acronym used in setting goals
Adam ___ was the original TV Batman