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Week 2 Advanced MFT

Teacher: Katrina H Miller, PhD
Some families experience an adolescent's loyalty to peer group as ______.
The typical outcome of the new stepmother's attempts to be a substitute mother to stepchildren
The noncustodial parent's perception that he or she has some _____ over child-rearing may determine his or her level of involvement
A behavior where one partner withdraws and is unwilling to listen to his partner
Ahron and Rogers depicted this type of post-divorce relationship as friendly
An urgent need of single-parent families
The family form consisting of two households and one family
Type of custody where parents have equal authority but children live with custodial parent
Households headed by single mothers are generally worse off in this area than other family type
Most parents seen in therapy use this method for setting rules.
Families that value closeness respond to this characteristic in therapists
Create one of these when clients are complacent or ignore problem family behavior
Centrifugal, disengaged families do this when the therapist is intitially nurturant
Most children who go through divorce show this characteristic
The teen pregnancy rate in the USA is twice that of any other industrialized country because of because of ineffective use of _________
Second stage of teaching a skill
An appropriate reframe useful for families that minimize the impact of an extramarital emotional fling