Blvd which runs by Darchei
Shabbos is the opportune time to attach ourselves to __________ (5)
Rabbi __________, ofetn leins by our minyan
Rabbi _________, our closest neighbor by davening
Rabbi ___________, we enjoy reading his books
If we would keep _____ consecutive shabbosos... (4)
Bnei _________ was given the precious gift of shabbos (6)
Keeping shabbos can gain us forgiveness from all __________ (3)
_________ Chaim, compares a mechalel shabbos, to store owner who takes down his sign (2)
Rabbi ___________, 3rd grade Rebbi, General studies assistant principal
Rabbi _________, office closest to our classroom
4th of the aseres hadibros (1)
Rabbi ________, 6th grade social studies teacher
__________ Shabbos is like removing that sign (2)
Shabbos complained that it had no ________ (5)
Mrs. __________, junior high secretary
Shabbos is a gift from Hashem's __________-house (7)
Even if someone sins like the generation of _________... (3)
Rabbi ________, our neighbor to our left by davening
Chofetz Chaim uses a profound __________ (2)
Rabbi __________, 7th grade rebbi , with a son in 7th grade