Interest driven selective attention to _____, change, disruptions and challenges leads to other positive emotion or to negative emotions, depending on the information that is processed.
Emotion ______ for the processes involved in the dynamic interplay of emotion, appraisals and higher cognition.
A succeeding emotion or pattern of emotions that it helps generate is the ______ force in organizing consciousness.
A basic emotion has noncyclic _____ capacities that include the power to influence cognition and action.
An emotion schema may include consideration of the ______ of impulsive actions that are driven by negative basic emotions
This lack of consistent _______ creates misunderstandings and slows scientific progress.
The most common emotion experiences in older children and adults involve higher order _____ and may involve complex appraisals.
A ______ that has now emerged conjointly from a number of theoretical formulations is for affective scientists to develop hypotheses and methods that enable them to test the proposition that affect or emotion is continual in the human mind and always interacting with perceptual cognitive processes.
In the _______ of a new basic emotion the casual cognitive information may consist of only a percept of an ecologically valid stimulus.
There is also a controversy about the ______ and usefulness of the dominant view of emotions as natural kinds.
Many studies have shown that discrete emotion variable have different _____ and contribute to different behavioral outcomes.
Emotion schemas are not ____ kinds because they have properties that differ across individuals and cultures.
A newly _____ motion is influenced not just by the eliciting event or situation but by the ongoing emotion in the organization, the individual's age, sex, cognitive ability and temperament.
Distinguishes between basic emotion which are defined as natural kinds, and emotion schemas, which are defined in terms of the dynamic interaction of emotion and cognition.