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Feudalism in Europe Crossword

Use notes as a reference
granted land
Worked land Cared for animals, Maintained Estate, Owed lord Several workdays a week and a Portion of grain produced.
to break up a concentration of (governmental authority, industry, population, etc.) in a main center and distribute more widely
the person using the land
To bring under a single, central authority
skilled warriors to defend land Pledged to defend land in exchanged for fiefs
Central part of a nobles land
the landowner, he gave permission for people to use his land
People who couldn’t leave the place they were born, Not slaves Couldn’t be bought or sold - all labor produced belonged to lord
Political system based on granting land in exchange for loyalty, and military.
Economic system of the Middle Ages in which land was divided into farming communities owned by nobles and worked by freemen and peasants
one tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the Church and clergy.
Church official
Wealthy and granted land if they swore loyalty to king