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Geologic Time Scale

Eons are divided into these units of time
James _______ came up with theory of uniformitarianism
Geologic change is __________ in catastrophism
Geologic change is ________ in uniformitarianism
The impact of this probably made the dinosaurs extinct.
Study of the origin, history, and structure of Earth
Idea that geologic processes that shape Earth today have been at work throughout history
The Hadean, Archean, and Proterozoic Eons make up _____________ time.
During the Precambrian Time, earth was mostly ________.
Period during which humans evolved.
Largest unit of time on geologic time scale
Where James Hutton lived
During this era, Pangaea broke apart.
All life was found here during the Paleozoic Era.
These creatures evolved during the Cenozoic Era.
Principle that states that all geologic change occurs suddenly
Eras are divided into these units of time.
Precambrian Time makes up ________ percent of Earth's history
This is the current era.
They walked the Earth during the Mesozoic Era.
One of the periods of the Cenozoic Era
These were formed during the Cenozoic Era.
This happens when an event causes a group of living things to "disappear".