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Jesus at the Feast of Booths

“If you knew _____, you would know my ________ also.”
“Do not judge by ________.”
For not even his brothers __________ in him.
Rivers of living water refers to the ________.
The Jews told Jesus that Abraham was their father, but Jesus said that their real father was _____ _____.
“Unless you believe that _____ _____ _____ you will die in your sins.”
The worshiping of Jesus by the healed blind man is evidence of the ________ of Christ.
Regarding who Jesus was, there was ________ among the Pharisees.
Jesus told the blind man to wash in the Pool of ________.
God led the Israelites through the wilderness in a ______ ______ ______.
When Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” it echoed the words of Yahweh at the ________ ________.
The Jews objected to the healing of the blind man because it took place on the ________.
The disciples believed that the man was born blind because someone had ________.
Jesus told the woman caught in adultery that he did not __________ her.
When the Jews picked up stones, it showed that they believed Jesus had committed ________.
The Feast of Booths is also called the Feast of __________.
“Everyone who practices sin is a _____ _____ _____.”
The Jews associated light with God’s __________.
The man was born blind so that the _____ of God might be displayed.
The Jews did not believe that the man was born blind so they talked to his _____.
What event best explains the later conversions of Jesus’ brothers.
Out of his heart will flow rivers of ______ ______.
When Jesus claimed to be the “Light of the World,” he was claiming to be ______ ______.
Who defended Jesus by saying, “Does our law judge a man without first giving him a hearing and learning what he does?”
When Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM,” it was a claim to his ________.
Jesus made mud with ______.
The earliest __________ do not include John 7:53–8:11.
By instructing the blind man to wash, the healing required an act of ________.
A major feature of the Feast of Tabernacles was the lighting of ______ ______.
But now that you say, ‘_____ _____,’ your guilt remains."