To state in the present tense what we desire.
To make evident, to come forth into form.
Creative force, conscious mind, will, volition, choice, self-knowing, directing.
The study of the universal world and our place in it.
He founded the international Religious Science movement.
Each human being is one with God and one with each other, a unity of all life.
It represents the correlation of religion, science, and philosophy. A teaching based on principle, a law that is infallible.
Living with the intention to realize God in every circumstance of your being - your thoughts, emotions, words, deeds, relations, aspirations.
The study of evereything beyond the physical.
There is one presence in the universe, God is all there is.
A unique, individualized incarnation of Spirit.
The principle, the Law, the way it works, the Word, subconscious, the subjective mind.
Form, effect, manifestation, experience, affairs, relationships, things, conditions, employment.