Detailed outlines for teaching a specific topic or skill, including what will be taught, how it will be taught, why it is being taught, and how learning will be evaluated
A detailed outline of what a particular teacher will teach throughout a course or year based on curriculum but adapted to the characteristics of the teacher, students, and teaching circumstances
Modifications to the environment, learning strategies, or materials that are made to help students with particular special needs succeed in the classroom
An inquiry-based learning project utilizing information from pre-selected websites
Describes a school that has passes quality assessment, and credits earned generally qualify for graduation at traditional schools
The process of bringing about agreement or reconciliation between opponents in a dispute
Placing students with special needs into a regular class, using modified class assignments, if they will benefit from the class experience
Conduct based on moral principles
A broad range of physical, mental, social, and behavioral challenges that impact learning
Educational setting that provide adapted programs, extra staff, and specialized equipment or learning environments or materials to help students with special needs
Individualized Education Program; written educational plan developed for specific student with disabilities
Preconceived generalizations about certain groups of people
In learning, an example of similar excellent work that students can use as they complete an assignment