, 5, 23. HRH, a lanky man, to chafe badly in borough run (7, 4, 8)
Emma and Nina are imaginative examples of the following new things would be parents might double-check. (4, 8)
Lord of Wimbledon strangely missing in action.
Means of departure thanks to President (4)
Motorless Zeppelin encounters problem (4)
Bear with Disney villain losing universal limitations (4)
Return found in sombre silence (6)
Funky test tab is tuneless but the most one might expect (2, 4)
Valentine pursues heartless intention with love and underskirts? (5)
It's cheat central in sneaky, sneaky team (7)
Fictional hero has first of adventures in city (6)
Little Richard lives within, today I learned why he's lithely (8)
Rendered in colour, A. Tatou ill-equipped for French-sounding film (11)
Breathe, singer, then freestyle around banter lull (3, 8)
Knock back Mexican drink, adding agave, not mint, when sober man extremely forward (9)
In here, per se? Phone-call unearths kidnap victim
, 44. PM's office offers beer after small shred of backing, but still a place for a public flogging? (4,4)
Morning fine, then violently out of control (4)
, 20. Collectively possessive, or many alone? Sounds like Abel's brother is one of these (3,3)
Man from 39, say, with cardinal miss (5)
Lefty likely to replace Pancho when Smouty's in Pennsylvania (5)
Beastly man is so backwards (4)
29's dream is back up to now?
, 38. Insult the Posh, now farcical (3-4)