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8th Grade Review

City of the Battle of Bunker Hill
Winners of the Battle of Bunker Hill
John Paul Jones served in this branch of the military
Site of the first action of the Revolutionary War
Social class that formed the core of colonial society
These writs gave the British power to search any house.
Only school of higher learning in the South
Committees that promoted opposition toward Britain
Act that concerned territory in Canada
Merchant vessels outfitted to fight.
Control of this valley led to the French and Indian War
French officer who helped the colonists
Navigation and ______ Acts
Country with the strongest navy at the French and Indian War
Moravians were followers of this man
Printed America's first German Bible.
Congregationalists were also called this
Schools that taught Greek, Latin, and natural philosophy
Another name for British loyalists
German mercenaries
Baptized by triple immersion
Center of colonial life
Washington defeated the Hessians here
Acts designed to punish Boston.
Washington surrendered at this fort.
Group often limited in freedom by Protestant colonists
Started a college in a log cabin