Former Winnemucca Post Master, and glazier, Thompson
Northern Nevada's largest 5 story 100 rooms hotel and casino, before it burned to the ground.
Arrogant Kerry Hawkins' real estate title denoting that she's much more than just a plain Jane realtor.
Surname of Richard C., Marine Veteran of both WWII and Korea, and who in spite of Parkinson's Disease, worked as an electrician for Sierra Power, and was a volunteer fireman.
Corrupt lawyer and City Attorney, who sits on & belongs to, every local and county board, committee, panel, council, commission, society etc., for which, he is the principle legal advisor. Talk about a conflict of interest and total lack of checks and balances...Let's hope the new mayor can't be bought or bullied.
One really creepy second chair barber
First name Claude. The infamous main character in a book biography written by Jack Olson, 'Give a Boy a Gun'.
-----Opera House, which burned to the ground in 1992.
Those who mistreat and neglect their elderly, helpless and handicapped benefactor family members for sadistic pleasure and profit, like Heinous Harold and Kerry Hawkins GRI
Winnemucca's bend over gopher
Aka as the 'Wild Thing' whose loud moans, "Giddy Up Cowboy," echoed throughout the day
Basque National Liberation movement