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Choking Crossword

This is first thing we try on a person before they go unconscious.
When we ask someone to call 911, they need to ask for this.
This is the second thing that we try on a person before they go unconscious.
We know someone has a blocked airway when the rescue ____ do not go in.
This is how many compressions we do to try and clear an object.
This is protected on us as we lower a person to the ground.
To clear an airway on an unconscious person you perform these on the chest.
This is protected on the person we are helping as we lower them to the ground.
After we do compressions, we need to ___ in the mouth.
We ask this type of person to call 911.
If we cannot get air into the person, we _____ and try and another breath.
We open this using a head-tilt, chin-lift.