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Med Term Round 6

Teacher: Margit Groessler
Half sided paralysis
Upper respiratory infection causing cough
Instrument for looking into a cavity
Pertaining to bone
Potentially cancer causing gene
Pertaining to large intestines
Undescended testicle
A stone
Water in the testicles
Star shaped tumor
Male hormone
Fatty tumor
Infection in throat/tonsils
Dilated large intestines
New growth
Having air in the abdominal cavity
Pertaining to the nose
Someone of mixed male and female biological genitals
Difficulty breathing
Many fluid filled sacs
Surgical drainage canal into bladder
Pertaining to fat
Blood in thoracic cavity
Abnormal condition of the kidneys
Involuntary release of urine
Sterilization procedure for men
Picture, presentation
Bone marrow tumor
Pertaining to urethra
Permanent opening
Largest bone of pelvis