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World War 1

Teacher: Josi Kurtzer
Who was assassinated to start the war?
What did the British call tanks when they invented them?
What helped doctors see bullet wounds?
What country did Austria declare war to first?
What was WW1 called when it was finished?
What were Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria known as?
What was a huge improvement that helped in the war?
What were France, Russia, United States, and Britain known as?
What was Franz Ferdinand?
What was a main technology improvement?
A lot of the war was fought using _____?
Other than airplanes, what was a huge asset?
Where did most of the fighting take place?
The terrorist group responsible for assassinating Archduke Ferdinand was called the _____.
_____% of the7.8 million soldiers from Austria-Hungary who fought in the war were either injured or killed.
Who had the most tanks?
What animals were used to carry messages?