To gently mix ingredients with a spoon, whisk, or rubber spatula until evenly distributed and blended
Contains more liquid, fat, and sugar than a dough; used to make softer, moister products
Gently incorporating wet ingredients into dry ingredients
The stage in which one drop of cooked sugar, when dropped in ice water, separates into a hard, but not brittle, thread
An elastic network of proteins created when wheat flour is moistened and manipulated
To incorporate solid fat into dry ingredients only until lumps of the desired size remain
A general term for butter, margarine, lard, shortening, and oil
Flavoring oils mixed into water with the aid of emulsifiers
The stage in which one drop of cooked sugar, when dropped in ice water, separates into a hard, brittle sheet
AKA confectioner's sugar; made by grinding granulated sugar crystals through varying degrees of fine screens
Describes food that readily absorbs moisture from the air
A type of solid, white flavorless fat which shortens gluten strands and tenderizes baked products
A refined sugar obtained from both sugarcane and sugar beet
To beat vigorously to incorporate air using a whisk or electric mixer
A thickener produced from the tropical cassava plant and found in the form of flour or pearls
Refined sugar cane with some of the molasses returned to it
Mixtures of flavoring or essential oils and ethyl alcohol
Vigorously combining fat and sugar while incorporating air
When a cooked sugar is heated to 338 degrees and the liquid turns dark brown in the pan
The stage in which one drop of cooked sugar, when dropped in ice water, forms a firm ball
To vigorously agitate food to incorporate air or develop gluten
Made from portk fat; almost 100% pure fat with only a small amount of water