Organism capable of producing its own energy
The number and variety of living things in an environment
The passage of water through a plant to the atmosphere
Study of the relationships living organisms have with each other and with their
To change from a liquid state into vapor.
Water that is so full of small particles, such as silt, that the water is no longer
transparent but instead appears cloudy.
An organism that lives on or in the living body of another species, known as
the host, from which it obtains nutrients
Algae and plant plankton, including single-celled protozoans and bacteria
Oxygen gas absorbed by and mixed into water.
The fitness of a water source for a given use, such as drinking, fishing or
wearing away of land surface materials, especially rocks, sediments, and
soils, by the action of water, wind, or ice
A habitat is an area where a specific animal or plant is capable of living and
A chemical that an organism needs to live and grow that is taken from the
environment; it can be an organic or inorganic compound.
Of or having to do with life or living organisms; organic.
This term refers to two or more species or organisms which are engaged in
an active or passive struggle for resources
An area of land that drains water, sediment and dissolved materials to a common
receiving body or outlet.