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Sacraments & Lent Season

Teacher: Mrs. O.
The sacrament of Initiation through which the person is sealed with the Holy Spirit
The forty days of fasting, prying and almsgiving beginning with Ash Wednesday.
The process by which through the Holy Spirit and the words and actions of the priest the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ
The Sacrament at the Service of Communion in which a baptized man promises to dedicate his life to God and the Church and is ordained as deacon, priest or bishop.
"three days" sarting wiht the celebration of the Lord's supper on Holy Thursday
The sacramental celebration in which through God's mercy and forgiveness, the sinner is reconciled to God
The Sacrament of Initiaion during which the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ
The sacrament at the Service of Communion that celebrates the sacred covenant between a baptized man and woman who promise to be faithful to each other
Effective signs of God's grace established by Jesus and given to the Church
The sacrament of New life in Christ; first sacrament of Initiation
The official worship of the Church