Please, no items on top of the lockers. Also, please ____ clothing and other personal items you bring to the temple.
We escort patrons so they will not get ____ (or curious).
How often we treat others with kindness and respect.
Restrooms in the 3rd-floor study are reserved for _____.
When workers serve as patrons their name tags are ____.
____ your shift coordinator, not the office when you have schedule issues.
Before leaving the temple, please ____ with your shift coordinator.
Workers shouild not wear bracelets except for medical reasons. Sisters may wear one ____ pair of earrings.
What the temple presidency, matron, and assistants to the matron feel toward you.
Unless ____ parking is needed, workers are asked to not park on the temple grounds. Also, during busy months, leave Arrival Center parking for patrons.
Temple tours and explanations are for _____ the temple.
It is appreciated when workers ____ to their assigned positions promptly.
To help with ___ in the lobby, worker couples are asked to rendezvous on the fourth floor before exiting the temple.
If a patron wears distracting jewelry or wears a strong fragrance, we should we a ____.
Unless you need the ____ please enter/exit the temple using the front doors.
Guests attending a marriage are ____ to the 4th-floor via the elevator.
When escorting patrons to the baptistry, please use the ____ staircase to avoid congestion.
Wherever we serve, when patrons are present please ____.