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RIM Month Crossword Puzzle

Teacher: RM CoE
This is a Risk Methodology that Manulife uses when detail of off-site records (Stored at Iron Mountain)cannot be easily identified, given the absence of adequate descriptions, Titles and other information.
who is the records officer for CDN Operations
The Record Code for records that are of a general nature can be found under which Record Code range?
The RecordsXXXXXXXX is the foundation of the Company's RM program and the DRS's are responsible for reviewing, updating and submitting this to the CoE - Annually
Sometimes, someone other than the Business unit may be interested in an Inactive Record. The record may have historical value and therefore we should contact the CorXXXXXXARXXXXXST
This Group member is a member of the.............Group and is titled..............Group Member
During which month do we celebrate RIM month?
Care should be taken to protect records on XXXXXXXXX devices through the use of passwords, encryption and other security options.
Guides a DRS' Records Management Tasks for the year
Records are a critical asset, required to support business continuity. Effective management of the records has a significant impact on organizational XXXXXXXXXX and effectiveness.
What should an employee use to name and store records when they are created; XXXXXXXX Naming Convention
2. will determine, in conjunction with their internal client, whether a Litigation Records Hold should be initiated and will draft a Litigation Records Hold Notice (“Notice”), if required.
Who is the CDN Division CoE Records Consultant
Who is the Records Officer for Finance
Records Inventories and Retention schedules are the xxxxxxxxxx of the Records and Information Management Program.
A term generally used during litigation
• Who is responsible for knowing and following the RM Policy, Principles, Standards, Guidelines and these Procedures
The full name for CESS is as follows: Customer Experience Shared XXXXXXXX
Records maintained on DVDs, CD-ROMs, hard drives) are subject to the same requirements that apply to other records media for the purposes of this Procedures Manual, including records holds, records retention and records disposition. - Note that approval is required for use of encrypted Records maintained on any portable technology (i.e. BlackBerrys, iPads and other PDAs, as well as removable storage media such as DVDs, CD-ROMs, hard drives) are subject to the same requirements that apply to other records media for the purposes of this Procedures Manual, including records holds, records retention and records disposition. • Care should be taken to protect records on these devices through the use of passwords, encryption and other security options. • Note that XXXXXXXX is required for use of encrypted removable storage media.