Made a goodwill circuit to promote national unity (340)
Declared independence from Portugal in 1822 (347)
Act of the _________, gave Canadians the right of self government (348)
An agreement which can be enforced by law (344)
Divided into two parts in 1791 (348)
River, involved with Gibbons vs. Ogden (344)
Ruled on three important court cases, considered a Federalist sympathizer (343)
Forced the governor of Florida to flee (345)
Britain's goods were produced more cheaply because they had well-established __________ (342)
Privately owned businesses can compete in a free market (344)
Between 1818 and 1846, U.S. and Britain settled several ________ disputes regarding Canada (348)
Last Federalist Presidential candidate, __________ King (340)
____________ (two words) Treaty of 1819 (345)
________ of 1816, put a tax on foreign goods (343)
New Hampshire college, charter protected by the Constitution (344)
Monroe's message to Congress in 1823 became known as this (347)
Captured and killed in 1811 (346)
Mexico was first ruled by an __________ (346)
Congressman from Kentucky (341)
Second one was established in 1816 (342)
Congressman from Massachusetts (341)
Monroe Doctrine would not allow European nations to interfere with the free nations of ________ America (347)