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Section Three (Ch.5-7) Review: Key Concepts and Terms Crossword Puzzle (A)

Children develop from head to toe; top to bottom
Infant's cheek is stroked and they turn in that direction in order to suck
Between 1-3. Vital organs collect nutrients from other parts of the body
According to Erikson, the first year of life is characterized by __________ stage of development
A child who looks longer in the direction of their primary caregiver when they hear their voice is an example of this
A ten-month-old infant looks at their brother looking at a kitty and then looks at the kitty.
Picking up a cheerio requires these.
These are the most important visual stimuli in children's social environment.
Children develop from center to out; Center of body to the extremities
Easy, difficult, and slow-to-warm
Waves, electrical, and rays
When most people begin speaking to a baby they begin to speak in a higher pitch and with simple words and sentences
You touch the palm of an infant and they grab your finger, not because they like you (sorry!), but because of this.
The single most important thing you can do to prevent this is to put your baby BACK to sleep (put them on their backs not on their stomachs when they are sleeping).
Large muscle in use. Walking is an example.
A child picks up puzzle pieces with ease because they have developed this skill.
One of the most important milestones of the first year of life, related to socioemotional development, but has implications on a wide variety of a child's development
A newborn hears a loud intense noise or experiences a sudden movement and arches their back, throws their head back, and flings their arms and legs.
An infant (or child) begins to create an understanding of their world, their brain creates mental representations also known as:
Three-month-old infants understand that the size of objects remain the same, but are still working on understanding that______also remain the same.
Built-in reaction to automatically suck an object placed in the infant's mouth.