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Natural Selection

Name: ___________________        Hour: _______

Directions:  Using the clues on the page, fill in the puzzle appropriately.  You may use your notes and your partner for this assignment.  It is due at the end of class for a 10 point grade. Have fun and Good Luck!     - Ms. Feske
A group of individuals in a specific place and time
Preserved remnants of organisms from the past
Differences in physical traits
Humans pick traits and breed organisms
Theory presented by Charles Darwin
Scientist: Theory of Aquired Characteristics
Anatomically similar, but have different functions
Organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring
Change in an organism over time that makes it more fit to its environment
Slow change of orgamisms over time
All the changes that have transformed life on Earth
Passing on of traits from parent to offspring
Swedish botantist who developed a classification system for organisms