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Gideon & the Lord (Judges 6-8)

Gideon and the Lord (Judges 6-8)
The Lord saved Israel by having them surround the Midianite hosts at night, suddenly shine lanterns on them that they had hidden in pitchers, blow their trumpets, and call out "The sword of the ____, and of Gideon." Judges 7:20-22
The Lord told Gideon that he chose him because he was a mighty man of _____, which means great courage in the face of danger. Judges 6:12
The Lord did this so the Israelites would know that it was the Lord and not their ___ hand that saved them. Judges 7:2-8
When the prophet Nephi was a youth he said "I will go and do what the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may ___________ the things which he commandeth them." 1 Nephi 3:7.
After Gideon led Israel to victory, they wanted to make him a king. But he said, "I will not rule over you, neither shall my son rule over you: the ____ shall rule over you. Judges 8:23
The Midianites & Amalekites destroyed the Israelites' _______. Judges 6:3-6
Sometimes the Lord lets us experience problems so we turn back to Him. Sometimes He lets us experience problems so we can get to ____ Him. Sometimes He lets us experience problems so we can be loving and patient with others who are going through problems. Alma 7:10-13,
When the angel of the Lord came to Gideon, Gideon asked ___ have you let these bad things happen to us? Judges 6:12-13
The prophet Alma taught that by ____ and simple things are great things brought to pass, and by very small means the Lord confounds the wise and brings about the salvation of many souls. Alma 37:6-7
The Lord promised Gideon that, "_____ I will be with thee." Judges 6:16
Gideon asked the Lord why He called Gideon, since his family was poor and he was _____ in his father's house. Judges 6:15
Gideon asked the Lord to confirm to him that he was doing the right thing one night by making the ___ only come on a lambskin but not the ground, and the next night making it only go on the ground and not the lambskin. Judges 6:34-40
The people wanted to ____ Gideon because he had destroyed the altar and grove to the false gods. Judges 6:30
The Lord told Gideon to throw down his father's altar for Baal and cut down the grove of trees next to it. then build an altar to the Lord, and offer a _________ to the Lord using his father's bullock and the wood from the grove. Judges 6:25-26
The Lord told the Israelites through his prophet that He did miracles for them in Egypt and the wilderness and that they should not fear the gods of the Amorites in the promised land, but Israel did not _____ the Lord.
32,000 Israelites answered Gideon's call to battle. But the Lord wanted only three _______ to fight. Judges 7:2-8
The Lord promised us through Joseph Smith, "Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endure them, for, lo, I am _____ thee, even unto the end of thy days. D&C 24:8