Part of the nostril which may "flare" when an infant is in respiratory distress.
Major source of seminal fluid
Gene required for proper development of the testes and suppression of genes for female development.
Calculated value (abbreviation) for the average driving force of blood to the tissues.
Commonly referred to as the "birth canal"
Anterior pituitary hormone that peaks or "surges" shortly before ovulation.
Abbreviation for respiratory rate
Makeup of the 23rd Chromosome in females
______derm forms the GI tract, liver, pancreas, and lungs
Prefix meaning "under" or "below"
Abbreviation for Arkansas
Abbreviation for milliliters
Womb/ideal fetal home for 9 months
Atomic symbol for lithium
Finger-like projections of the oviduct (uterine tubes or fallopian tubes)
__________ Releasing Hormone from the hypothalamus which stimulate the production of FSH and LH by the anterior pituitary
Hormone most likely to cause widening of the hips and deposit of fat in the subcutaneous layer or hypodermis.
Abbreviation for physical therapy
If two alleles are DIFFERENT, this term is used.
Embryonic tissue layer giving rise to the skin and nervous system
The most accurate way to describe the idea that sexually transmitted diseases are obtained from toilet seats.
You are born naked or in your "birthday ____."
Your genotype if you have type "O" blood.
Hormone responsible for morning sickness during pregnancy, as well as fatigue during normal cycles.
Only method of birth control 100% effective against both pregnancy and STI's (STD's)
Term describing alleles that will both be expressed such as in the AB blood type.
Tube connecting a kidney to the urinary bladder.
If two alleles are identical, this term is used.
Dried grass fed to livestock
Ideal location of the testes
Hormone from anterior pituitary promoting the development of the gametes.
Abbreviation which indicates diseases commonly referred to as "the clap" or "VD".
_________arch is a bone structure that can distinguish the male and female pelvis.
Part of the soft palate which you can see elevate when you ask your patient to say "ah." (That dangling thing at the the back of your mouth.)
Electrical heart tracing with a P wave, QRS complex, and T wave.
Short for oxytocin used in labor and delivery
Prefix meaning "remove" or negation
Yolk _____ is the first site for hematopoiesis.
Slang or abbreviation for saturation: "What's the O 2 ___?"