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54: Community Ecology

Two or more species that fight for a resource.
The diagram or idea that shows the transfer of food energy up the trophic levels.
The sum of a species' use of the biotic and abiotic resources.
Symbiosis where both species benefit.
Warning coloration.
Organisms that become established outside of their native range.
An organism that eats a part of a plant or algae.
The total mass of all individuals in a population.
Disease-causing microorganisms, viruses, viroids, or prions.
A group of populations of different species living close enough to interact.
A passive defense, camouflage against an organism's environment.
One species has a positive effect on the survival and reproduction of another species without the intimate association of a symbiosis.
This type of succession begins in a virtually lifeless area where soil has not yet formed.
Individuals of two or more species live in direct and intimate contact with one another.
This type of succession begins in an existing community which has been cleared by some disturbance leaving the soil intact.
A predator kills and eats a prey.
Feeding off or harming another organism to survive.
An intermediate species that transfers zoonotic pathogens.
The level variety of different kinds of organisms that make up the community.
Species that exert strong control on community structure by their niches.