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Understanding Isaiah D&C 113

Teacher: Flansberg
D&C 113:10 Among whom are the remnants of Israel scattered?
D&C 113:10 What are the bands?
D&C 113:6 What will the descendant of Jesse use the keys for?
D&C 113:6 What rightly belongs to the descendant of Jesse?
Isaiah 52:2 What is Zion to "shake thyself from"?
D&C 113:3-4 Who is the Rod?
Isaiah 52:1 What are the garments of Zion called?
Isaiah 11:11 The root will come forth when the Lord sets his hand to do what for his people?
Isaiah 11:1 Stem of ________
Isaiah 11:10 What will the root stand for?
D&C 1113:8 What would the people of God in the last days be called to bring again?
D&C 113:8 To put on her strength Zion is to put on what?
D&C 113:6 What is the root?
Isaiah 52:2 What is Zion to loose from her neck?
D&C 113: 1-2 Who is the stem of Jesse
D&C 113:4 What is "laid" on the servant?
Isaiah 11:1 What shall come out of the stem?
Isaiah 52:1 What is Zion called to do?
D&C 113:4 Who else besides Jesse is the servant a descendant of?