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Symptoms, Causes, and Facts about Chemo Brain

The researchers used an _____ drug in the 'chemo brain' snails (unsuitable for human use currently) to reestablish the normal relay of neuronal information.**
This drug was used in a study on sea snails and is a common drug used in chemotherapy*
The neuronal _______ of the drugged snails were studied and compared to a control group, which revealed info. was no longer being passed properly.
Lack of ____, depression, stress, anxiety, and fatigue can worsen the effects of chemobrain.
(two words) This gene is associated with Alzheimer's and can increase one's susceptibility to cognitive impairment. This risk is increased with chemotherapy and can cause chemo brain symptoms.
(three words) These animals have been used to study the effects and causes of chemo brain.
Those with chemobrain experience changes in _____ as well.
_____ are proteins produced that are associated with stress (chemotherapy/cancer as stressors) can impact neural pathways and increase neural inflammation.
This is one of many outside health problems that can cause or worsen chemo brain. Others include hypertension, nutritional deficiencies, or heart disease.
This type of drug therapy can help reduce the cytokine production and improve the connectivity of neurons (thus minimizing the effects of chemo brain).
Multiple health complications associated with ________ can cause and worsen chemobrain. (Hormone therapy, drug therapy, anemia, infection, steroids/anti-nausea).
One feels as if they are in _____, or "space-out" along with memory lapses, gaps in time, or on mind-altering drugs.
As many as ____ of all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy experience drops in mental sharpness, forgetfulness, concentration, and multitasking.
(two words) A variant of this gene can protect against chemotherapy associated with cognitive impairment, as it helps to identify the link imbalances/deficits with neurotransmitter activity and inflammation.
The snails were used as a result of their simpler systems having the same reward/punishment _______ as humans. The simpler was used to understand the complex.
Patients feel as if they are in a ___, as they have difficulties with concentration, memory, multitasking, and with attention span.
Hormonal fluctuations and _______ system damage also can exacerbate the effects of chemo brain.
45% of chemotherapy patients reported a decline in _____ function, which is the principle symptom of chemo brain.
(two words) ____ ____ is a gene that regulates cytokines (polymorphisms of the gene). The gene is activated by chemotherapy and impacts how quickly the brain metabolizes dopamine.
Researchers believe that experimental drugs to help treat chemo brain are 5 to 10 ____ away from being developed.