____Instruction includes well defined target behavior, reinforcement to shape behavior, consistent sequencing, promoting and cueing, logical sequence of skills, a plan for promoting, and collecting data on performance
____impairment is the most common sensory disability of students in special education classes (1.1% of the total 2% of sensory disabled children in special education classes)
Typically children with ADD or ADHD struggle in three main areas: Inattention, hyperactivity, and/or _____
____Instruction is a method of instruction that is effective with children with learning disabilities. It consists of breaking down academic concepts into component parts so teachers can teach each part separately and then teach students to put the parts together to demonstrate the larger skill.
Gender in which autism most commonly occurs (1 in 42).
Some strategies to help children with AD/HD be successful in the classroom include: clarity, consistency, positive reinforcement, and ____
The two types of behavior associated with EBD are Externalizing and ____
Manual or electronic means to help students express wants, share information, and engage in social discourse, is called: ____Communication Devices
In addition to alternative communication methods, another education support for a student with a hearing impairment might be a_____
The three tiers of the Response to Intervention Model are primary intervention, secondary intervention, and ___prevention
Many students with severe disabilities will take an alternate _____
The majority of students with hearing impairments(60%) and visual impairments (66%) are placed in _____education classrooms
Meaning individual was born with a physical disability.