The theatre where Shakespeare’s plays were performed is called the ____ Theatre.
The romantic male lead role.
This is the last step in the Critical Response Process where you ask the performers for their permission about the topic you have helpful criticism for. ____ statements.
The written blocking in a play, written in italics or inside parenthesis.
This is the third step in the Critical Response Process where the performers ask questions to the audience about their performance and if what they were trying to communicate came across. ____ as questioner
This is the actor’s body position if their back is to the audience.
An opportunity in which actors demonstrate their talents and leave impressions of themselves.
What a character wants in a scene or script.
This is the Greek god of theatre and theatre began as a ritual and developed into theatre to worship him.
When an actor stands facing the audience completely.
This is your thought process as an actor behind a choice you’ve made for a production.
These actors are cast in the same type of role over and over. Michael Caine is an example of this kind of actor.
This person creates the story through the script
The things that are in the way so the character doesn’t have or can’t get what they want in a scene or script.
Material that is given to you by the casting director when you’re auditioning.
Shakespeare’s theatre troupe was called the
This is what is written in a script and spoken by the assigned character. Written CHARACTER: What they say
This is an item you bring to an audition and leave with the casting director; it is a picture of yourself taken with good lighting and shows your personality.
A play where the characters are personified (greed, love, time, etc.) and used to teach a lesson.
This is a French playwright who died performing one of his roles, a hypochondriac. He wrote the play Tartuffe.
This type of theatre still exists and has for a long time. It’s a Japanese theatre and everything is exaggerated. The audience knows they are in a play and it’s not believable. The Zen Substitute is an example of this.