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Stem 1

Teacher: Michael Hammond
Root and prefix - Anti - Not social or against being social
Root and suffix- ance- the act or power of resisting
Prefix - di - Two oxygen molecules
Suffix - cide - insect killer
Suffix - Able - means easily taught and takes directions well
Root - corpus - dead body
prefx - dis - to not respect
Prefix - contra - opposite of positive
Root and prefix - anthropos - study of human body and their beliefs
Root - carnis - to only eat meat
Prefix - con - connected physically
Prefix - ego - talks about ones self or being boastful
Suffix - Ant - to have many of
Prefix - cis - in space or between earth and orbiting moon
Suffix - cracy - USA's type of government
Prefix - de - removal of a forest
Suffix - Ible - synonym for amazing
Root - facies - of or on the face
Prefix - com - to finish
Prefix- A - Means non living