Daily personal care tasks
A government agency under the Dept of Health and Human Services that issues information to protect the health of individuals and communities
Repeating words, phrases, questions or actions
Methicillin-resistant Staph Aureus
Initial values that can then be compared to future measurements
A person's private health information
The permanent and painful shortening of a muscle
A course of action that should be taken every time a certain situation occurs
The inability to control bowel or bladder
Care given in facilities or homes to restore or improve function after illness or injury
Microorganisms that are capable of causing disease
Compassionate care given to dying people and their families
A condition that results from inadequate fluid in the body
Purposeful mistreatment that causes physical, mental, or emotional pain or injury to someone
A disease that causes bones to become porous and brittle
Becoming restless and agitated in the late afternoon, evening, or night
The legal advocate for residents
Range of motion, exercises that put a joint through its full arc of motion
Term used to refer to the weaker or affected side of the body after stroke or injury