adj. Manifesting, exercising, or favoring, rigidity or stiffness; strict.
adj. Not pointed or acute; blunt; - applied specifically to angles greater than a right
angle and less than two right angles.
adj. Of but moderate excellence, ordinary.
adj. That is in prospect; expected confidently.
adj. Of or pertaining to, or after the manner of, realism - the conception that
objects of sense perception (and sometimes of cognition in general) are real in their own right,
existing independently of their being known or related to the mind.
adj. preceding; n. Something done or said that may serve as an example to authorize
or justify a subsequent act of the same or analogous kind; especially a judicial decision, proceeding, or
course of action, serving as a rule for future determinations in similar cases.
adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of, one who carries a critical or incredulous
attitude into his inquires
adj. Sound in opinion or doctrine, especially in religious doctrine; hence,
specifically, holding the Christian faith as formulated in the great Church creeds and
n. A figure of speech by which one thing, action, or relation is likened or explicitly
compared, often with 'as' or 'like', to something of different kind or quality.
adj. Of, pertaining to, of the nature of, or consisting in, a name or names.