v. To divide into separate parts, as an animal or a plant, for examination, to
adj. Sparing of words; terse; brief and pithy.
adj. Representing by a figure, or by resemblance; typical; emblematical.
n. Act of marking a difference, distinguishing
n. Act of setting a value on, as goods; estimating the amount of (a loss); hence,
judging as to quality, status, etc.
adj. Useless, vain, ineffectual.
n. Act of culminating; also, culminating position; summit; acme;
adj. Capable of being understood, comprehensible.
v. To change from a fluid to a solid by cold; freeze.
n. A state of balance between opposing forces or actions.
adj. Incapable of being avoided, evaded or shunned; bound to come, happen,
adj. Of or relating to moral action, motive, or character; also, treating of morals,
morality, or ethics.
n. Rhythmical flow of language; rhythm.
adj. Of or pertaining to, or conforming to, a language peculiar to a people or to a
district, community, or class.
adj. Assumed artificially. OR adj. Afflicted or tainted, as by disease.
adj. Sunk to a low condition; cast down in spirit or hope; servile.