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Teacher: Kristin Mende
Type of ataxia that is typically triggered by stress
Patients with this deficit don't understand how their body parts relate to one another and may not recognize their own body parts
Type of apraxia in which a patient is unable to perform purposeful movements on command
Slowing of thought processes
Figure ground deficit is this type of disorder
Slow movement
The breakdown of movements between multiple joints, resulting in motion that is not smooth and appears uncoordinated
Type of apraxia in which a patient has difficulty properly sequencing motor tasks
Most common type of hereditary ataxia
Decreased ability to perceive and interpret stimuli as a whole
Generalized weakness
Symptom of ataxia, characterized by overshooting of targets when reaching for an object
Type of rigidity that is jerky and ratchetlike
This type of deficit often leads to difficulty with stair climbing and obstacle negotiation
The inability to identify objects by touch alone
Inability or difficulty to perform rapid, alternating movements
Gait pattern often seen in patients with PD
This deficit is characterized by the inability to perceive a stimulus as distinct from its background
Damage to this hemisphere of the brain may result in the form of unilateral neglect that is typically more severe
Involuntary, rhythmic movements of the eyes