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Missionaries and Role of Religion

Teacher: Ms. Liberio
The main purpose of the mission was to convert First Nations people to __________.
Ouendake was home to this group of First Nations.
Saint-Marie among the _________ is located near present-day Midland, Ontario.
Like most Europeans at the time, the missionaries did not understand First Nations __________.
It was difficult for the Jesuits to convert First Nations people to Catholicism because their _________ were different.
The Ouendat population died of this European disease.
After the collapse of the Ouendake, the Jesuits focused on ________ children.
The purpose of the Hotel-Dieu de Quebec was to care for the sick, especially among the ______ _______. (2 words)
Saint-Marie was the first European settlement in what eventually became _________.
This helped the priests build relationships with the Ouendat people. (2 words)
The name given to all hospitals established by religious groups. (3 words)
People who knew a little more than others. They were also recruited by the Church. (2 words)