This kid's diary is popular reading in the Children's Room.
Over 200 digital magazines on your mobile device
A.k.a. free streaming service available through your library card for music, movies, t.v. shows, and more!
Most valuable item one can have in a wallet.
Short for science fiction, which is part of our collection.
Our digital branch; a.k.a. website.
Use this to find that library item.
Get ebooks or downloadable audio books through this online resource.
On the fourth Wednesday of the month learn...
Library's Auxiliary group; they help raise money for programs and passes.
Popular author, writes for all levels.
First name of library benefactor
A periodical you can borrow but also a thing you can't.
Take this out to get wi-fi.
Those who use the library's resources, either in person or digitally.
Unless it is a holiday, we are open on every one of these, even in the summer!
Portable computers you can use in the library
Book clubs, knitters, writers, the BLA, and more meet on...
These are everywhere inside the library and online at our website
He and his wife hosted a special dinner in 1930.
Abbreviation for teen related items