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Modern Conflicts

Teacher: Ms. Spitz
These people were driven from their homeland.
A coveted resource in Africa.
One of the territories Israel gained after the wars with the Arabs.
In 1979, a peace treaty was signed between this country and Israel.
This is another name for The Persian Gulf War
Israeli Prime Minister
This war occurred for eight years in the 1980's.
Exercising power over conquered regions.
In 1948, hostilities against this country occurred.
The Mideast conflict could spread to this continent.
The ruler of Iraq.
One cause of conflict with the African states.
This war was fought in 1967.
The Palestinian Authority is supported by this country.
This organization seeks retribution for the Palestinians through armed resistance.
The displacement of people from their homeland.
The movement of people to a new territory.
In 1948 which state was established?
This is one of the reasons the United States went to war with Iraq.
An official ban on trade with another country.