Prevents the inhalation of chemical, biological, and radiological materials
Area surrounding incident that is potentially very dangerous either because it presents threat in form of hazardous material or effects thereof 2 wds
Ensures control of a large-scale incident involving multiple agencies with overlapping authority and responsibility 2 wds
Used by U.S. military to protect against chemical, biological, and radiological hazards (acr)
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910.120, Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (acro)
Supplied-air _____ Provide loose fitting, lightweight respiratory protection that can be worn with glasses, facial hair, and beards
ERG Material Name Index ____pages
Heat _____ – Combination of environmental and physical work factors tha
____ Team Leader
Supervises all companies and personnel operating in the hazardous area
NFPA® 473, Standard for Competencies for __ Personnel Responding to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction Incidents
PPE Ensembles Level A Must thoroughly______ skin, eyes, and respiratory tract
ERG Table of Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distances (____ Pages)
Performed to remove hazardous materials from victims, PPE, tools, equipment, and anything else that has been contaminated abbr
Level D
Coveralls or work uniforms
____Chemical-resistant boots or shoes
Used only for nuisance contamination with no atmospheric hazards
_____ respirators Provide short duration of protection, just enough for wearer to escape hot zone