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The Lymphatic System Pathologies

A type of hypersensitivity, are over-reactions of the immune response to otherwise harmless substances
Is initially more widespread, with multiple node involvement and metastases in early stages
Viral infection characterized by progressive impairment of the immune response and increased susceptibility to opportunistic infections and malignant tumors
Infection and inflammation in the lymph nodes from normal skin flora.
Body’s response to internal tissue damage and invasion by outside substances
Infection and inflammation in the lymphatic capillaries from normal skin flora.
Impairment in immune system function, immune response mounted to body’s own tissues;
Abnormal accumulation of fluids caused by impaired lymph flow, which causes swelling.
Characterized by prolonged and severe tiredness and disabling fatigue
A chronic autoimmune, inflammatory disease in which connective tissue is under attack.
Initially involves a single lymph node, usually in the neck, and then progresses to adjacent lymph nodes in an orderly fashion