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Unit 3 - NIMS Preparedness

Name _____________________ Hr. __________
Unit 3 - NIMS
An example of a non-governmental association
Substate regional mutual aid agreements between multiple jurisdictions
Agreements that permit the automatic dispatch and response of requested resources without incident-specific approvals
Any agreement, used to request or provide assistance
Sets out the actions, stages, and people responsible for undertaking a process
Agreements between the US and other nations
Using & practicing the concepts that are taught
Process of receiving certification, license, or degree
Durable pocket or desk guide
Reference document used by organizations outlining procedures used for transporting
Preparedness requires a ________ ______ to emergency management & incident response activities
Directed DHS to develop a common, unified approach
Established the US policy
Agreements between neighboring jurisdictions or organizations
Inventorying & categorizing of resources is a _______ _____ of preparedness
Out-of-state assistance through formal state-to-state agreements such as the emergency management assistance compact
Checklist to ensure steps are completed
Agreements coordinated through the state, coordinated by both state and local governments
A set of instructions