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The Changing Family

Relationships by blood, marriage, or affection, in which members may cooperate economically, may care for any children, and may consider their identity to be intimately connected to the larger group.
An effect that occurs when the sample is not random and leads to biased inferences about social processes, such as the relationship about cohabitation and divorce.
The feeling of being overwhelmed by many different commitments and not having enough time to meet each commitment effectively.
Household work that is repetitive and less able to be postponed than are other tasks.
Living with a romantic and sexual partner without being married.
The negative (or sometimes positive) moods, experiences, and demands involved in one sphere that carry over or "spill over" into the other sphere.
Friends in a close network who provide support.
A type of apparent relationship between two variables that is really caused by a third factor.
The tension people feel when the pressures from paid work and family roles are somehow incompatible.
Violence among family members or intimate partners.
The most common form of abuse.
Having children with multiple partners.
Families in which one or both have at least one child, either residing with them or living elsewhere.