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brain structures 3.01

1 in series of Nervous System crosswords
(n.) brain lobe controls vision
(adj.) able to be trusted
(n.) a series of things, such as movements or jokes, that are repeated as part of a performance
(n.) a scientist who studies the mind
(n.) something you see that does not really exist
(v.) to bring attention to something with an action
(v.) brain lobe control sensory-pain, heat ,touch
(n.) controls muscle memory walking,dancing,sports
(n.) what happens as a result of an activity or a process
(v.) to remember
(n.) the ability to see
(n.) brain lobe that controls emotions, personality, speech, morality
(n.) something that encrouages an action or provides a kind of reward
(n.) the brain ___ controls heart, lung, stomach, blood vessels
(v.) skillfully controlled or handled
(adj.) resulting in death
(n.) an official statement for a court case
(n.) a space that is meant for a specific purpose
(adj.) having to do with sight
(n.) someone who sees an event
(n.) brain lobe controls hearing